Let's talk

About the client – a spark that became a flame

Grodno S.A. is a family business that has operated on the electrotechnical market in Poland since 1990. They are one of the main distributors of electrotechnical products in Poland, providing electrical solutions for individual customers and global companies, from planning to installation.

Today the third family generation is entering the stage. The Grodno Group strives to be an innovation leader, providing modern solutions in photovoltaics and renewable energy.

A new face of success urgently needed

The old logo was just a quick sketch done in the 90s, when the company just started. It served the purpose – the company needed a logo, but nobody paid much attention to it, because freshly established companies had much more dire things to focus on.

Years passed and Grupa Grodno became a nation-wide success story, dynamically developing for 30 years.

What worked for years now required a fresh new look. Our task was to prepare Grupa Grodno for digital expansion, unify the visual approach, and put company values into the branding.

Long-term company goals

Branding affects most areas of the company’s activity. Everything that makes up a brand reception is branding. That means not just visuals, but feelings it evokes and ideas it talks about. How much it is prepared for physical and digital communication and how much it is ready for future company expansion.

While working with Grupa Grodno, we ensured that the new branding would effectively support its long-term business goals. Our team had spent a substantial portion of time defining the company’s customers, employees, and partners’ expectations, needs, and ambitions.

A good communication and branding strategy must always connect these two worlds – business and people.

Our approach was to make sure that the branding solution will serve and support Grupa Grodno goals for years to come.

Robust process for maximizing potential

Such radical change begins with identifying needs, goals, and ambitions.

We conducted Branding Workshops with the team and management of the Grupa Grodno.

After that our Design Team did market analysis and customer research, to really understand the company and users needs and branding in a broad commercial perspective.

Our goal was to establish a coherent vision of the direction of the brand’s development and how the Grupa Grodno is to be perceived in the coming years.


Once we were ready, our designers sat down to the drawing boards. We’ve come a long way from the first sketches to the final solution. All the way long, we were in close contact with the management board of Grupa Grodno, discussing, bouncing ideas and challenging each other.

One day, after a few fruitful sessions, one member of the client team just looked at our proposal and shouted: “we got it!”. It was a home run.

We moved on to implementation. For Grupa Grodno, new branding meant a very measurable investment in the future. This is the appearance of points of sale, car fleet, representatives and shop assistants’ clothing, visuals directions for the new websites, and all technical elements such as colours, shapes, and typography.

Our final job was to help our client prepare for these changes.

Branding implemented for years to come

The new branding of the Grodno Group sets the direction for the future. We created it so that it is ready for further expansion. The system we have developed allows the newly created companies and new services to form a coherent whole. This means scalability of the solution.

The logo of the Grodno Group was created by combining two elements: Lightning and a circle. The whole is to symbolize dynamism, ambition, 360-degree approach and the relationships that the Grodno brand builds with their clients and employees.

The new branding of the Grodno Group embodies the ideas and vision behind the brand’s strategy. At the same time, it’s a tool supporting the daily work of the entire organization.

Looking at the effects of the Grodno Group and Frontkom team’s activities, we are glad that we managed to combine these two areas into a clear and functional whole.

Clients say

The new Grodno brand identity reflects not only values, but also our dynamism and modern approach.

Andrzej Jurczak · Grodno CEO

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