Let's talk

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Search engine optimization (SEO) is a marketing method for achieving better visibility in search engines like Google. Having a nice website does nothing for you unless people are able to find it. This is what SEO is about; that your website can be found by whoever is looking for your products or services.

Does your website appear on the first page of Google when your target audience looks for you? Optimize your content and the technical setup for maximum effect.

We focus on your target audience

Our content producers create valuable content for your business. You get quality content composed for your specific way of communicating and your target audience. Because content which gives value to visitors on your site is content which converts and is prioritized by Google.

We treat your digital communication with respect. We create synergy between your online identity, your products and the way you convey your message and core values. This approach is integrated in our mix of sales content, internal link structure and tailor-made metadata.

On-page SEO

  • Meta titles
  • Meta descriptions
  • URL structure
  • Easy to understand content
  • User-Friendliness
  • SEO analysis

Technical SEO

  • Mobile friendly
  • Keyword structure
  • No duplicated content
  • No broken links and images
  • High quality pages
  • Fast load times
  • Security headers

Google partner

Frontkom is a certified Google Partner within both Google Ads and Analytics. We stay updated on the latest functionality, tips and tricks which will benefit your content and campaigns.

Seven steps for effective SEO

Contact us now and we’ll tailor a solution to your needs, and make sure your investment is productive and profitable. We work with:

  1. Your content
  2. Meta description and domain strategy
  3. Page structure and URLs
  4. Micro data
  5. Analysis tools and SEO keyword research
  6. Micro and macro conversions
  7. Strategic link building and external links from other sites

It all begins with a search

People use Google for research, making purchase decisions and anything else you can think of. To make sure they know you can meet their needs better than your competitor (and rank higher on Google), your website needs to contain the search phrases customers will actually search for and see in their search results.

What is good SEO?

Using analysis tools we can know what is worth spending time on, and what you can forget. That’s great for the user, your website and the search engine itself. Good SEO in six words: useful content, great structure, complete metadata.

Organic search results and keywords

To rank on top of the first search engine results page without paying though the nose for it, you need to tell the search engine what your page is about, and make it like your site. The first factor is about having structured data (metadata) like meta tags on images and meta descriptions for the page, and the latter is about using relevant keywords.

We’ll make your site stand out by making sure the on-page SEO follows a comprehensive SEO strategy by considering the ranking factors that are important for your company specifically.

Semrush Agency Partner

Frontkom is a Semrush Partner, which enables us to make comprehensive keyword strategies, keep tabs on your site’s health, and much more.

Semrush logo

Google Analytics or Matomo?

At Fronkom we see the importance of stronger online privacy, and we therefore know both Matomo and Google Analytics. There mostly aren’t any issues with using Analytics today, but Matomo is the strongest candidate if you require stronger security around your customers’ data. Contact us if you’d like to know more!

Matomo and google logos

How we work


We gather to check statuses and goals, and then make a list of prioritized improvements to be made.


We go though the data to confirm that our actions are working, by watching the amount of traffic and evaluating the quality of that traffic.

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Actions and measurement

We focus on the most important actions: optimizing the CMS for page speed, metadata, server setup or plans to drive traffic from other sites. All to make search engines like your site.

Some companies we’ve had the pleasure of working with

Have a project in mind? Let’s create something together. Contact us