Let's talk

Social Media

Deliver stories tailored to your target audience. Increase your audience and shorten the path to conversion.

Using social media as a brand is not just about being social

Relationship building and user experience is a way to build credibility and reputation, demonstrate leadership and source leads.

Rather than boosting self-esteem, the value lies in strategic storytelling that adds value for audiences.

Build relationships

A good social media strategy shortens the journey from need recognition to a meaningful customer relationship. It allows for direct communication with specific target groups, providing valuable opportunities for personal insight into potential customers.

Understanding both your audience and the nature of each social channel is the fundament for your social media strategy.

Insight and monitoring

Customer service, brand monitoring and industry insights are indispensable to successful business.  Social media is worth its weight in gold when it comes to data collection.

The big question about social media is its ROI. Measuring the impact of your social media activity is easy if you’ve set smart goals and employed a good strategy.  There are many effective tools for reporting to management or teams, yet many organisations get stuck when it comes to collecting and measuring the data required for useful reporting.

We help you get started or develop new opportunities

Channel strategy

Different channels, different uses. Your strategy needs to be based on business objectives, and adapted to specific target groups

Holistic approach

Our experience with all aspects of the customer journey, data collection and reporting allows us to see the entire conversion process in context

Content strategy

Successful content production and communication requires a strategic, integrated approach that is relevant to both context and channel

What is the process



We get together to define opportunities, strategy and goals. The workshop covers topics such as customer segments, CPI, customer journey and competitor analysis.



Setting up accounts and implement strategy, campaigns, metrics and messaging. Training on best practices according to your needs.



Follow the strategy to check the metrics are correct, look at what works and decide if anything needs to change. Integrate reporting and continuous learning in your business.

Do you have a project in mind? Let’s create something together. Reach out