Let's talk

Use Frontkom for digital marketing

Increase traffic to your website or blog? More leads? Increased sales?

If this is something for your company we are ready to help. Our marketing team are experts in pushing the right buttons to attract and convert leads, sell products and messages that excite and delights your customers. We do so with content, SEO, automated processes and inbound marketing methodology.

We can help you with:

  • Increased traffic to website or online store (e-commerce)
  • Convert more visitors into customers (get more and/or bigger sales online)
  • Create positive customer experiences before, during and after a purchase
  • Build your brand and reputation
  • Increased capacity and experience in digital marketing for a short period or long-term

What can we do for you?

Search engine optimization (SEO)

Do your customers find you and what you want to tell them in digital channels? We know how to succeed and help your content to be visible in the search engines.

Content production

Your message should be seen, heard and understood. Based on insight and analysis, we formulate the message and create good stories that are conveyed in articles, videos, sound and images. In a good content strategy, everything is connected.

Digital marketing

Our consultants can coordinate and lead the work with digital marketing. There are constant changes with new channels and formats that require competent resources to create good customer experiences. We have in-depth expertise in most digital channels and marketing disciplines.

Inbound marketing

Attract, convert, sell and delight customers through content that is perceived as relevant throughout the buying journey. We help you with both strategy and content production to succeed with inbound marketing.

Paid ads

It is not always easy to reach the audience you want, so in many cases you have to resort to paid advertising. Our experts know what works, so you can spend your time building your business instead.

Marketing for hire

Marketing for hire is a flexible and effective solution for companies that need to increase their marketing competence internally, and need to rent a marketing resource for a period or over time.

Optimization and conversion (CRO)

Unleash the potential of your content and website. Our experienced marketers know what it takes to systematically convert visitors to customers on your website or online store.


HubSpot is ranked as the world’s best software company with recognition for their Marketing, Sales and Service Hub. We help you with migration to HubSpot, integrations, onboarding, training and consulting.

Customer journey

We help you attract, convert, sell and excite customers throughout the entire customer journey, i.e. before, during and after a purchase. This involves finding the most important crossroads and reducing friction in the buying journey.

PR & communication

Your company is doing a good job, but how to convey the stories, the moments and the message? We help our customers to find out how social responsibility and sustainability should be pervasive in all communication in the company.

Sustainability communication

It is not just what you do to operate sustainably that is decisive, but how you talk about it, write about it and show it to others. Our strategists with good business experience, broad industry knowledge and extensive client portfolio can also help you discover ways to be more sustainable.

Strategy and advice

We prepare strategies that our customers need. It could be, for example, a complete digital strategy, content strategy, marketing plan, communication mix or a workshop on vision, mission, goals and values.

Hire a marketer, head of marketing, content producer or entire team

New technology, regulations and usage patterns mean that marketing is a constantly changing subject. Today’s landscape requires a wider range of specialist expertise than in the past, and most departments have difficulty finding the resources they need.

We give you the opportunity to hire the skills you lack in your team. We have specialist expertise in most areas of digital marketing and strategy and can be hired both short- and long-term. Terrified of the price? Nah, we’ll figure it out together and we promise it’s worth it.

I have worked with Frontkom for 9 years. Both with the development and launch of a new website for Allershopping and for newly started PlussMobil. Common denominators for both projects are good follow-up, a short path from questions to answers and good discussions to find the best possible solution. Both for the customer and for how we will be able to work in the interface. After the launch of the new website at PlussMobil, we have increased conversions and achieved a smooth integration of the chat solution!

Dagrun Johansen, Head of Marketing in Aller Media

The team

The happy bunch

Linda Harlem

Head of Marketing

Magne Henriksen

Head of Communications

Stine Nevjar

Content producer

Henrik Akselsen

Henrik Akselsen

SEO/SEM Specialist

Henriette Østholm

Digital marketer

Sven Hognestad

Content producer

Closeup of Marianne Godiksen

Marianne Godiksen

Head of Sales and Senior Marketing Manager

Portrait of Sigvart Andersen

Sigvart Andersen

Marketing Manager


Iga Wojtowicz

Content producer

Close-up of Christian

Christian Nori

Advisor in SEO and paid ads

We collaborate with Frontkom on both technology and content, but we also appreciate their involvement in matters that are important to us. An example of this is Football Shirt Friday, one of our campaigns for increased focus on childhood cancer.

Steinar Sødal, Administrative Manager in Barnekreftforeningen

Extensive industry knowledge

  • Media and public relations
  • Non-profits
  • Construction
  • Educational institutions
  • Energy
  • Tourism & culture
  • E-commerce

  • Process industry
  • Startups, Scaleups and SaaS
  • Plumbing
  • Industrial product development
  • Transportation
  • Maritime industry

  • Music
  • Telecommunications
  • Retail
  • Information systems and technology
  • Cosmetics

Are we a good match?

Our team does works best for clients with:

  • Clear ambitions – small or big – and the budget needed to achieve them.
  • A contact person who contributes with internal coordination and who makes decisions where necessary.
  • Products, services and messages with a buying journey that includes information gathering and comparison.
  • Internal product or technology experts who share necessary information with us.
  • Internal agreement regarding cooperation between market and sales.
  • A customer data platform (CRM) or desire to establish this.

Did you know that 80% of the purchase decision is made before customers want to talk to a salesperson?

Have a look at our references

Marianne Godiksen

Marianne Godiksen

Head of Sales and Senior Marketing Manager

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