Client: Entreprenørforeningen – Building and Construction (EBA) is an industry association for contractors. The association is affiliated with the Confederation of Norwegian Enterprise (BNL) and the Confederation of Norwegian Enterprise (NHO).
Challenge: Transforming the annual report from a printed booklet to a digital experience that can be read on multiple devices
Industry: Trade association. Construction and civil engineering industry
Company size: 644 member companies with a total of 27,000 employees
Services: Design and development

Our delivery:
- Design and development of website
- Concept, design, and development of digital annual report applications
- Project management for content production
- Photography and video production
Entreprenørforeningen Bygg og Anlegg
For the Entrepreneur Association – Construction and Civil Engineering (EBA), Frontkom has developed a concept for publishing the annual report digitally. With exciting interactive methods, we have created a modern annual report for an industry with a promising future.
EBA is a membership organization working to improve conditions, opportunities, and support for the largest contractors in Norway. Among its members are NCC, Veidekke, Peab, Kruse Smith, and Betonmast Hæhre. The construction and civil engineering industry represent modern technology in everyday life, and by transitioning the annual report from a printed booklet to a digital experience that can be accessed on multiple devices, we are reflecting this industry’s progress. A digital annual report will also reach a broader audience and be accessible to all.
Concept, design, and development
Together with the client, we reviewed the past years’ releases in print format and examined their structure. We concluded that the best approach was to implement a ‘scrolling’ function, allowing users to flip through all the pages of the annual report while quickly jumping to their desired section. To achieve this, we introduced a method where keyboard arrow keys could be used for scrolling through the entire report on a computer, while on a touchscreen, users could swipe for navigation. In other words, it was optimized for all devices.
The annual report contained diverse content with varying styles, which was essential to highlight. For instance, we noticed that the executive summary, thematic articles, local chapters, and financial reports each had specific layout requirements. Moreover, many of these sections required formatting like columns, bullet points, and statistics. Consequently, we developed a modular system that made it easy to input content in a way that best suited the user.
The digital annual report was developed as an application, meaning that subpages did not reload entirely; only new content was presented. This ensured a smoother navigation experience. An added benefit of this development method was that the website felt lightning-fast.
In addition to concept, design, and development, we also provided project management by coordinating the collection of content and statistics. We produced videos featuring the CEO and Chairman, and we took new portrait photos of board members.
Simplified Distribution – Increased Accessibility
By establishing a digital annual report, the Contractors’ Association for Construction and Civil Engineering (EBA) has streamlined distribution while reducing costs associated with printing and mailing/postage. The platform was developed to be easily expandable for future years.
The launch of the digital report also provided increased reach and accessibility for those who would not have had access to the printed version. Throughout the year, there has been consistently high traffic, indicating that the digital annual report is significant in a broader communication context.

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